And as she let go of all that should be
She dove into what could be
Kelly Morgan
Living from your feminine power means relinquishing striving, being strong and efforting.
It means ALLOWING.
Allowing your natural abundant energy to flow for you and through you.
It means trusting, trusting that you are being taken care of, along with your every NEED.
It means surrendering to this power, surrendering to being held.
And when you do that…
Well, for a moment, let’s meet Elianna…
Elianna is the luckiest person her friends know. She is radiant, people seem to smile when they are around her. Everyone always asks her what her skincare secrets are, and she just looks at them confused as she doesn’t have any potions or fads. She ponders on this and thinks maybe it’s because she knows deep down she’s loveable and worthy, she’s noticed that so many others can’t do this if they criticise themselves so much.
She only ever does what she would love to do; if it doesn’t inspire, excite or motivate her then she knows not to do it as it only leads to disappointment. She knows that some people feel let down at first but she knows she’s not responsible for how others feel. She does as she pleases and it’s her genuine wish that others would do the same – oh how all relationships would be much easier!
She feels really good in her own skin and connects easily to her body and her womb. She gets intuitive hits when she connects deeply and as her relationship has developed to herself so has her downloads of wisdom. She really trusts her body and the universe to guide her. Whenever she gets an new idea of something she would love to experience in her life, she connects deeply to her womb, the portal of life and creativity and feels if it is really a good idea of her. Following her inner guidance she leaves the seeds of her manifestation to grow at their own pace. She just KNOWS they will come to be or even something better will manifest. She never questions herself or if the universe is against her if it doesn’t come immediately. They’re must a reason she thinks? What can I learn? How can I grow? Are the questions she asks herself.
When the wishes come true, they are always better than she thought and she thanks her lucky stars every single day. She knows she’s so blessed and blesses the world with her. In this blessing she rests in her feminine power, allowing all the universe to conspire for her to grant her wishes. She connects to her feminine power to get her intuitive hits and she manifests from her feminine power. She is an embodiment of the divine feminine and she feels so honoured to be that with so much grace.
In one way she understands why her friends think she is one of the luckiest people, because she also thinks she is and never questions this.
And all this sounds amazing and yet I hear you say “But HOW?!”
How can you when you’ve been let down a thousand times before?
When you have to do things all alone?
When you have a lot of responsibility?
Of course you want to be held, nurtured & cared-of.
But you’re not. And you have to figure it all out alone.
You’re the one who brings in the money, has success and is rightly proud of how far you’ve come.
So how to live from your feminine power?
Let me tell you a secret, there is nothing to do… it’s about creating an energetic shift.
A shift that helps you to let go of all the conditioning, ways of being, and things that are in the way of you stepping into your feminine power. Your feminine power is all there for you for the taking, you simply have to remove all the covers and fears that have stopped you owning that.
This energetic shift takes place when you go through a series of initiations, into yourself. These are specifically designed to help you activate your feminine power.
And when you do this, you change your vibration. Forever.
No longer the nice girl, the strong woman, the striver.
You can finally let go, surrender and enjoy your birthright as a conduit for the flow of the abundant universe through you.
Sounds divine right? You are!
If you would love to give yourself full permission to step into your feminine power and let go of the fears then take a look at my upcoming retreat… it’s a fully immersive experience to enable you to do just that.
Love Kelly
This is where I host live trainings, support and tips for you to live the feminine way: