Cleanse sexual shame and trauma and unleash your power to feel good in your body in your body and your desires.
Sexual Power
is the life force that magnetizes
all of your desires into reality.
To bring your desires into the matter.
Just like sex can create a baby so can this energy be harnessed,
with love and compassion to birth your desires.
The power that creates you is the power that heals you.
This is known within the Tantric Arts, Sexual energy is healing.
So it’s no surprise that a lot of powerful women contain this Sexual Priestess energy.
You have available within you an
Infinite Flow
of this energy
when it is fully unlocked and activated.
Credit: Art by Naomi Newlan, founder of White Sage Healing
The thing is…
What if you had this powerfully ‘Turned-On’?
You’d be creating miracles every-damn-day.
It’s time to
Reconnect & Activate
this power
to enjoy your luscious juicy nature and to let the springs flow forth so that all the energy of the Universe can flow through you!
And it’s time to
Clear Out
the shame
the shame of being woman, the shame of your sexual past and the shame that you somehow feel you owe this energy to others.
YOU feel blocked in attracting abundance into your life – an abundance of love, wealth and dreams.
YOU want to build your self-love, self-honour and reconnect to the Sacredness of Self.
YOU are feeling drawn to explore your feminine energy or perhaps have some kind of remembering of being a sexual priestess.
YOU feel ashamed of your sexual past, perhaps you’ve been promiscuous or given your love away too freely or you’ve had unloving sexual experiences.
YOUR libido is dried up, you find it hard to connect to your desires because you’ve been heartbroken in the past.
GOOD SEXUAL INTIMACY comes from bringing deep awareness into the very areas of your body you’ve shamed
FEELING DELICIOUS in your body, alive and vibrant, excited about life and all your possibilities
MAGNETIZING your desires to you – where you feel like an overflowing Goddess of Love which is Super Attractive to all you desire – whether it’s men, money or miracles!
Release shame, forgive yourself for your sexual past and heal any sexual trauma or unloving sexual experiences.
Restore the connection to your divine sexual energy, activate that pure Lilith power and feel this energy running vibrantly through your body.
How to build your sexual energy and channel it and how to enjoy more of everything as the love goddess that you are.
Powerful clearing and activation for each part.
Powerful clearing and activation for each part.
Enjoy over 50% off - originally this was €444 but you can receive instant access now for this Special Price.
You will receive instant access to this course which comprises of a video teaching then audio with a powerful clearing and activation for each part.
These are Mystery School teachings, that used to be saved for only a few – my deep prayer is to help liberate all this energy we have freely available within us, to detach from old patriarchal systems and restore the Goddess to her rightful place.
This is embodied practice, not the mindset or things to do – we work with your energy through shamanic practices so that you become the frequency of a Love Goddess so you will feel amazing, vibrant, juicy and super hot!
Kelly is an “elder” – wisdom keeper, holder of the feminine flame, she embodies this frequency fully so she is able to guide you through the past hurts and trauma to help you Remember the Love Goddess you Are.
You dry up– your lust for life is down! Your Drive for ambition & Drive for Dreams stops – because you feel let down by past “failings”.
You fragment yourself– The wise woman is Whole – she loves all parts of herself. The reality for most women is that we’ve segmented ourselves. Our sexual energy is for behind closed doors only – we even judge and shame other liberated women. This is a rejection of self and our womanhood.
You are not using this energy for what it’s meant to be for– bringing life into ALL Things and so Unconsciously you are channelling it elsewhere. Often we are unknowingly giving it away to our partners, our friends, our clients, our business which can lead us to feel very empty and depleted.