You have almost everything you want.
You have achieved so much in life.
And yet it feels empty, devoid of depth.
You know that there is more available to you
- More connection
- More meaning
- More impact
And you are ready to expand into the energy of More and build your legacy.
Welcome to initiation into kingship
The ancients kings were initiated by women. The high priestesses and of the ancient mystery schools were responsible for holding an extremely pristine centre of creation.So that her elixirs could be available to initiate the king into his server ship of the people and land. This was done in sacred ceremony where the king came into helios gamos through the priestess with the cosmos and the land. Acting as a divine anchor between himself and the stars to become the sustainer of life. Now, what if, in our modern day there is a way to be held by the unconditional love of the divine mother? To have her ear, her prayer and her as a muse for inspiration?